Writing careers come in many forms. Whether it’s screenplays, TV specs, novels, blogs, or comic books – the list goes on. With the popularity of online content increasing every year, writing opportunities are created that haven’t previously existed or been as common in this medium. Vancouver Film School Writing for Film, Television & Games alum Alvaro Calmet is one of the talented individuals who has built a successful career combining his talent for writing and animating to create popular online content enjoyed by millions around the world. (Register for our Feb. 21 Writing for Film, Television & Games Program Preview to find out how YOU can train to be the next Alvaro. More on that below!)
In short, Alvaro is a Peruvian writer, animator, and filmmaker. While at VFS, he began creating the now-popular animated show The Lyosacks – a series following the lives of three friends who form a band. In 2020, The Lyosacks Movie was released and has over 150,000 views online (not bad for an initial school project).

A man of many talents, shortly after graduating from VFS Alvaro became the Lead Game and Narrative Designer for Imp of the Sun, a highly rated 2D action-platformer game inspired by Peruvian cultures. It was massive in Peru, and is now available on Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles (I know what I’m playing this long weekend).
After this popular game release, Alvaro was hired by NowCreatives to write, direct, and animate shorts about history and geopolitics for the YouTube channel “MrSpherical”, which has over 1.6 million subscribers. If that wasn’t enough, he also created the YouTube channel “SolarBalls” with 1.1 million subscribers. He became partners with the owners of NowCreatives due to his knack for creating successful online content and continues to work on creating both entertaining and educational animation that is viewed worldwide.

If Alvaro is any example, VFS’s Writing for Film, Television & Games program gives you experience writing for a variety of content, allowing you to apply your skills to all creative mediums. If you’re looking to write the next hit series and you want to learn about VFS’s 12-month writing program, chat with Writing faculty, or get the opportunity to ask questions about the curriculum, register for our Writing for Film, Television & Games Program Preview on Feb. 21 here for free!