VFS Named the #1 Game Design School in Canada by The Princeton Review

Vancouver Film School is among the 50 schools included in PRJ’s list of top North American game design schools.

Announcement Highlights:

  • VFS is ranked #14 on PRJ’s Top 50 Game Design Schools in North America and the #1 Canadian school for 2022.
  • Other schools include University of Southern California, New York University, Clark University and Rochester Institute of Technology.
  • VFS was previously named the #1 Canadian Game Design School in 2020.
  • Vancouver Film School’s 12-month Game Design program prepares students for a variety of careers in coding, game art, and level design.

(VANCOUVER, B.C.) March 29, 2022 – Vancouver Film School is pleased to announce that it has been ranked among the top game design schools in North America by The Princeton Review. In PRJ’s official 2022 list of Top 50 Game Design Schools, VFS was ranked #1 of all Canadian institutions and took the #14 spot overall. VFS was previously named the #1 Canadian Game Design School in 2020.

Other schools included in the 2022 list include University of Southern California, New York University, Clark University, Rochester Institute of Technology, and DigiPen Institute of Technology. The full list can be viewed here.

The Princeton Review chose the colleges and grad schools for their 2022 list based on a survey conducted in 2021. 150 institutions were surveyed, all of which offer game design coursework and/or degrees. The final selection was based on criteria including academic offerings in game design, faculty credentials, career outcomes, and more. The Princeton Review first developed this survey in 2009.

"VFS is proud to have once again received this prestigious honour from The Princeton Review. Our curriculum is truly on the cutting edge of the game industry, as demonstrated by our multiple student Unity Award wins, and to be named #1 in Canada is indicative of just how definitively our 12-month program prepares our students for successful careers in the video game industry.” -Christopher Mitchell – Head of Game Design, VFS

Vancouver Film School’s accelerated Game Design program allows its students to specialize as a Game Artist, Coder, or Level Designer in just 12 months for the world’s largest entertainment industry, catering to 2.5 billion gamers worldwide and set to be worth $257 billion by 2025. The program is continually updated to remain in lockstep with the industry.

For more information, visit https://vfs.edu/programs/game-design.



About Vancouver Film School

In 1987, Vancouver Film School introduced the world’s first true immersion film program. Today, VFS is Canada’s premier post-secondary entertainment arts institution, offering an immersive curriculum in film, animation, design, and beyond. VFS is known for providing high-quality education in accelerated time frames and offers 15 industry-integrated programs in which students graduate in twelve months as an in-demand, industry-ready creative professional. VFS alumni are consistently credited on the highest grossing films, television shows, and games worldwide, in a global industry set to generate US$2.1 trillion in revenue in 2022.


For more information, or to schedule interviews, please contact:

Evan Biswanger
Creative Director & Head of Marketing
Vancouver Film School
[email protected]


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