Vancouver Film School and Kwantlen Polytechnic University announce accelerated bachelor’s degree pathway partnership

Renowned educational institutions team up to offer specialized degree completion paths, delivering industry-ready graduates in as few as three years

Announcement Highlights:

  • Students can obtain both a VFS Advanced Industry Diploma and a KPU Bachelor of Arts Degree in as few as three years of full-time study.
  • Pathway students will master the art of storytelling and develop a deep understanding of writing for film, TV & games while attending VFS and further hone their craft for other written mediums, as well as discover their unique written voice while studying at KPU.
  • VFS’s Writing for Film, Television & Games program is eligible for this pathway.
  • Graduating students will be eligible to apply for post-graduation work permits in Canada.

(VANCOUVER, B.C.) March 21, 2023Vancouver Film School is proud to announce it has partnered with Kwantlen Polytechnic University to offer an exclusive accelerated pathway program that will enable students to obtain both a VFS Advanced Industry Diploma and a KPU Bachelor of Arts Degree in as little as three years of full-time study.

After completing VFS’s advanced diploma in Writing for Film, Television & Games, pathway students can obtain a Bachelor of Arts Degree from KPU in two years. KPU programs available include a Major in Creative Writing, and a Major in General Studies.

Visit  for more information and to learn how to apply.

This partnership offers an excellent opportunity for VFS Writing alumni to earn a Bachelor of Arts while furthering their industry-focused training with KPU, a higher educational institution that has an expansive list of courses allowing in-depth study of the writing craft” says Scott Steiger, VFS’s Director of International Admissions and Business Development. “We are thrilled to continue VFS’s commitment to excellence in post-secondary education and giving our artists the ability to flourish.

The partnership not only enables advanced entry into undergraduate degree programs in arts but also maximizes the flexibility of program choices for students to major in creative writing or general studies,” says Carole St. Laurent, KPU’s Associate Vice-President, International. “VFS students who completed a diploma in Writing for Film, Television and Games can extend their learning to the bachelor’s level, expanding and applying their education experience within a public university setting.



About Vancouver Film School

In 1987, Vancouver Film School introduced the world’s first true immersion film program. Today, VFS is Canada’s premier post-secondary entertainment arts institution, offering an immersive curriculum in film, animation, design, and beyond. VFS is known for providing high-quality education in accelerated time frames and offers 15 industry-integrated programs in which students graduate in twelve months as an in-demand, industry-ready creative professional. VFS alumni are consistently credited on the highest grossing films, television shows, and games worldwide, in a global industry set to generate US$2.1 trillion in revenue in 2022.


About Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Kwantlen Polytechnic University has served the Metro Vancouver region since 1981, and has opened doors to success for more than 200,000 learners. Based at five campuses across Richmond, Surrey and Langley, KPU offers a comprehensive range of sought-after programs in business, arts, design, health, science and horticulture, trades and technology, and academic and career advancement. Around 20,000 students annually choose one of our wide selection of programs that blend thought with action, including bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, certificates, apprenticeships and graduate diplomas.


For more information, or to schedule interviews, please contact:

Evan Biswanger
Creative Director & Head of Marketing
Vancouver Film School
[email protected]


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