VFS Launches a New Scholarship to Train Students for Successful Careers in the Creative Arts

Three full-tuition scholarships, valued at up to $158,000, for students to train in film, animation, game, design, and beyond.

Announcement Highlights:

  • The Launch Scholarship fund includes three full-tuition scholarships.
  • The winners of the three full-tuition scholarships will enroll in their choice of program from VFS’s School of Animation, School of Film & Television, or School of Games & Creative Design.
  • Submission process will open on May 1, 2023, and scholarship applications will close on May 31, 2023.
  • Scholarship winners will be notified June 14, 2023.

(VANCOUVER, B.C.) May 1, 2023 – Since Vancouver Film School (VFS) opened its doors in 1987 with the first immersive film production program, its vision has always been to launch successful creative careers. VFS’s goal is to provide students with quality intensive training from industry leaders and ensure graduates will achieve the highest degree of success in their chosen field. To honour this goal, VFS is offering The Launch Scholarship, a new scholarship fund generated to prepare students for successful careers in the creative industries.

VFS is offering three full-tuition scholarships, a total value of up to $158,000. A scholarship will be awarded to one applicant for each of VFS’s three core schools: School of Animation, School of Film & Television, and School of Games & Creative Design.

Since its inception in 1987, VFS has been committed to training students and launching successful careers in the creative arts,” said James Griffin, VFS President.The Launch Scholarship is part of VFS's ongoing committment to ensure that its graduates are always better prepared, better connected, and ultimately achieve the highest standards of success in their chosen industry.

Scholarship applications open on May 1, 2023, and will close on May 31, 2023. Scholarship winners will be notified June 14, 2023.

For more information about The Launch Scholarship, or to apply, visit https://vfs.edu/scholarships/the-launch-scholarship-2023.



About Vancouver Film School

In 1987, Vancouver Film School introduced the world’s first true immersion film program. Today, VFS is Canada’s premier post-secondary entertainment arts institution, offering an immersive curriculum in film, animation, design, and beyond. VFS is known for providing high-quality education in accelerated time frames and offers 15 industry-integrated programs in which students graduate in twelve months as an in-demand, industry-ready creative professional. VFS alumni are consistently credited on the highest grossing films, television shows, and games worldwide, in a global industry set to generate US$2.1 trillion in revenue in 2022.


For more information, or to schedule interviews, please contact:

Evan Biswanger
Creative Director & Head of Marketing
Vancouver Film School
[email protected]


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