VFS Finds New Ways to Stay Ahead in the Industry

Vancouver Film School releases new innovative program

VANCOUVER, B.C. (November 26, 2013) – Vancouver Film School (VFS) is pleased to announce that it will be adding a brand-new, one-year program to its educational roster. Starting March 2014, VFS will offer Programming for Games, Web & Mobile. Programming for Games, Web & Mobile is all about becoming a better, smarter, more versatile and hireable developer. This one-of-a-kind program teaches individuals how to create and bend programs; to develop software that is impressive, innovative, and entertaining. Students graduate with a high-powered portfolio along with the skills to impress professionals and recruiters from an incredible range of industries.

"Industry leaders have been asking us to teach programming for years, because they need VFS-trained programmers and they need them now," says Dave Warfield, Head of Programming for Games, Web & Mobile. The program starts with foundation skills in math, design, production, and programming, before progressing to front-end interface and mobile development for iOS and Android.  Students build on this core knowledge with increasingly complex courses on interface development and programming, and finish with advanced classes on shaders, network programming, social integration, and cloud-based applications.

Like all VFS's other 12 programs, career preparation is an integral part of the coursework, from presentation skills and portfolio development, to studio tours and networking events. It's every advantage students will need to succeed as they launch their careers. "Programming unlocks industry doors. Graduates have the skills to work on an unprecedented number of development teams, whether it's using Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and C++; or app development for iOS and Android," says Peter Walsh, Senior Instructor. To learn more about the new Programming for Games, Web & Mobile program, please visit http://vfs.edu/programs/programming.

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About Vancouver Film School
Vancouver Film School (VFS) is Canada's premier post-secondary entertainment arts institution and one of the most distinguished in the world. The one-year, production-focused programs at VFS encompass all aspects of visual media, from Acting for Film & Television and Film Production, to Digital Design and Game Design. Respected industry professionals guide students as they create the professional-quality reels and portfolios that get them noticed on the global stage. In recent years, VFS alumni have won Emmys and Spirit Awards, and been honoured at the Oscars. To find out more, visit vfs.edu.