A Multi-Million Dollar Investment in Gastown

Vancouver Film School energizes the downtown core

VANCOUVER, B.C. (June 3, 2014) – Vancouver Film School (VFS) is delighted to announce the completion of a new 72,000 square-foot film production campus in the heart of historic Gastown. Designed by award-winning interior designer David Hepworth, the new facility adjoins the VFS Animation & Visual Effects campus unveiled in August 2013. Taken together, these campuses represent the largest dedicated film and animation teaching centre (115,000 sq. ft.) in Canada.

The campus design is inspiring and features amazing assets: 9 independent shooting studios, a truly unique 280-degree green screen studio, multiple screening theatres, AVID post-production facilities, a full props department, a complete and contemporary film production resource inventory, and an ultra-high-speed fibre network for every student's desktop. The entire campus underscores VFS's commitment to deep-immersion training and provides students with the opportunity to literally live in production. "We have been working towards this moment for several years, and this campus is a truly remarkable addition to our school," says Marty Hasselbach, Managing Director of VFS. "I have taken through several industry experts who were blown away." Jamie Lee Curtis calls the new campus "outstanding", Matthew Lillard says that it is "truly epic", and Mad Menwriter/producer Maria Jacquemetton describes it as "absolutely stunning".

Located at 142 Water Street, a location once known as Storyeum, the new campus will bring significant economic benefits to the area along with an increased international student base. It will also help solidify the Hastings-Gastown corridor as Vancouver's de facto campus community. For more information on the new campus and other VFS initiatives visit vfs.edu.


About Vancouver Film School 
Vancouver Film School (VFS) is Canada's premier post-secondary entertainment arts institution and one of the most distinguished in the world. The one-year production-focused programs at VFS encompass all aspects of visual media, from Acting for Film & Television and Film Production to Digital Design and Game Design. Respected industry professionals guide students as they create the professional-quality reels and portfolios that get them noticed on the global stage. In 2013 VFS alumni contributed to more than 100 box office titles that grossed over 18 billion dollars worldwide. To find out more, visit vfs.edu.