Recent graduates of Vancouver Film School’s Game Design program hired by Unity Technologies

The five Game Design alumni were hired fresh out of graduation by the world’s largest game engine company.

Announcement Highlights:

  • Five alumni are from the August and October 2020 intakes of the Game Design program, with these students graduating in 2021.
  • Unity Technologies is a leading ­­­­software development company in the game industry, used as a core tool in the development of many of today’s best-selling video games.
  • VFS’s 12-month Game Design program prepares its students for a variety of careers in coding, game art, and level design.

(VANCOUVER, B.C.) February 8, 2022 – Vancouver Film School is pleased to announce that five of its recent Game Design graduates have been hired by Unity Technologies. Unity is the world’s leading platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D (RT3D) content and is used in over 50% of games across mobile, PC, and console, as well as real-time film and television production.

The graduates hired by Unity Technologies are Matt Garnett, John Newton, José Pablo Vera, Legacy Bartell, and Sam McKinney. Additionally, another recent graduate of the program – Xiaochun Lyu – was hired by Electronic Arts as an Associate Technical Artist.

Vancouver Film School’s accelerated Game Design program allows its students to specialize as a Game Artist, Coder, or Level Designer in just 12 months. Recognized as a Leading Game Design School in North America by Princeton Review Journal, the program is continually updated to remain in lockstep with the industry.

"VFS is thrilled for its graduates who have found a home with this leading institution. Unity Technologies is the benchmark for excellence within the game industry and is a driving force in the creation of our favourite games. Our goal is to set our students up for success in the creative industries, and the news of these recent hires is confirmation that Vancouver Film School’s Game Design program has succeeded.”-Christopher Mitchell – Head of Game Design, VFS

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About Vancouver Film School

In 1987, Vancouver Film School introduced the world’s first true immersion film program. Today, VFS is Canada’s premier post-secondary entertainment arts institution, offering an immersive curriculum in film, animation, design, and beyond. VFS is known for providing high-quality education in accelerated time frames and offers 15 industry-integrated programs in which students graduate in one year as an in-demand, industry-ready creative professional. VFS alumni are consistently credited on the highest grossing films, television shows, and games worldwide, in a global industry set to generate US$2.1 trillion in revenue in 2022.


For more information, or to schedule interviews, please contact:

Evan Biswanger
Creative Director & Head of Marketing
Vancouver Film School
[email protected]


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